With the rapid development of electronic technology, with the continuous popularization of the fine industry, the miniaturization of packaging has become more and more
common, and the demand for packaging technology has become more and more common, and how to test the quality of products after packaging has become a major
difficulty, which requires the market to adopt more up-to-date detection technology. At present, from the point of view of SMT packaging inspection, X-Ray detection
technology is relatively perfect, if the technology is relatively high, it is CT scanning, which is also quite expensive for detection costs.
In the past, due to backward technology, the industry tends to be large, with the naked eye can judge whether the product is abnormal, but now the market consumers have
high requirements for products, there is no more refined detection technology is not feasible, later appeared magnifying glass, AOI optical detection, these to a certain
extent to make up for the vacancy in the inspection market, but for the human eye can not see the position, such as being blocked, AOI is a little weak.
With the development of science and technology, X-Ray testing equipment should be produced in time. This kind of commodity used for medical testing in the past has
become an industrial testing equipment with the improvement of processing. X-Ray rays can be used as penetration detection to see the internal defects that are blocked,
such as the gold wire inside the encapsulated chip, whether the copper wire inside the wire is broken, and so on. SMT process improvement is of great significance, such as
virtual welding, bridge, monument, solder shortage, stomata, device leakage, etc., especially BGA CSP and other solder joint hidden element inspection, and in recent years,
X-Ray testing equipment has developed rapidly, has developed from the past 2D detection to 3D detection, with SPC statistical control function. It can be connected with
assembly equipment to realize real-time monitoring of assembly quality. This detection method can ensure that the integrity of the SMT process is maintained to a certain
extent, and avoid product damage caused by removing the board and retesting because of the wrong finding.